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Oil Paintings and Watercolors Animation Storyboards Bio, Resume, Contact Info


I was born in Sevastopol, a Black sea city on the southern tip
of the Crimean Peninsula, Russia. I began formally studying art at age 14,
graduating from the Sevastopol Art School and Crimean Art Institute.
In 1996, I was accepted into the Surikov State Art Institute, one of
Russia’s premier art academies. Trained in realistic painting and monumental art, I completed my BFA in 2000 and MFA in 2003.

Alongside my education, I built my professional career, holding my first
solo exhibition at age 18. Since then, I have participated in solo and group
exhibitions in France, the US, and Russia.

I continue to paint in watercolor and oil. I also work as a scenic painter . My experience includes LAIKA's two feature films (“Coraline” and “Paranorman”) and five seasons of NBC's “Grimm”. You can read more about my artwork for "Grimm" here.

In 2016 I started my own company Skazka which specializes in animating traditionally produced images. Recently Skazka produced watercolor animation, artwork and a poster for feature film“Amy and Sophia”

My contact information: matveyrezanov@gmail.com

For more information and updates please read my BLOG.